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Good Morning -
Just a quick note to wish you and your family a most Happy Thanksgiving. I don't know about you, but I sometimes find myself looking through the wrong side of the glass about all the things I don't have: a gazillion dollars, more hair, my youth, more "stuff", better health - you know what I'm talking about. I suspect you may have your own list of those things as well. Then thankfully, in a gleaming moment of sanity and clarity, I am reminded of the truth: All of the really important things in life I already have - folks that I love and that love me, a warm bed and a roof over my head, food in my belly, two arms and legs and eyes that work, a job that allows me to provide for my family, breath in my lungs and a purpose for my life. God willing, tomorrow I will have a full meal with friends, I will speak by telephone with my kids and grandkids (and wish I was there with them), most likely I will laugh, tell stories, and hug somebody's neck. There will be some guitars and singing involved as there always is, and, in a quiet moment, I will close my eyes and give thanks to God for the really important things, those true things, in my life that I have been blessed with. 

Please pardon me if I sound a bit "preachy" about all of this - I needed to be reminded of this truth today and thought, perhaps, you did as well.

Have a lovely holiday!


Scott Ptak